You're not addressing my criticisms of objectivity at all. I explained how objectivity via the left brain tools of logic, concepts and words is inherently limiting you. It's not useless but it's limiting. If you're not going to address this then I guess you don't have an answer.
You also didn't address my point about how certain fundamental questions such as the nature of consciousness can't be answered by objectivity alone and are SUBJECTIVE. In that they deal with the nature of subjectivity itself. And thanks to the hard problem of consciousness, you can map every neuron in the human brain from the outside, and see how it fires, and have no idea what the experience is like from the inside. That's because consciousness seen from the first person is a qualia. There is information about consciousness that can only be known subjectively, not objectively.
As such, if you try to discard subjectivity entirely you actually miss crucial understanding of what consciousness is. And the question of consciousness is tied indelibly to the question of life and existence itself.