You make a lot of good points, but I disagree with you on the argument you seem to be making that the solution to one's suffering is not found within and that it's narcissistic to suggest it is.
You can't solve internal suffering by changing the outward environment alone. If you don't find a way to accept the painful nature of life through acceptance, then even if you "abolish capitalism" and bring about a utopia, you will still suffer.
However it's equally true that you can't ONLY look inwards, because the divide between "you" as an individual and "the community" is an illusion and quite arbitrary. The two things need to happen in harmony.
Even if you heal your own suffering, the suffering of the community is still a part of you and thus anyone who is enlightened should try and help. But helping from a place of bitterness, cynicism and tribalism will almost certainly cause more problems which is why the inner healing is essential.
I wrote some thoughts on this theme here: