You ignore that I don’t condone violence or the fringe activists that are violent to humans to try and help animals. Misrepresenting me and the entire thrust of my comment. It’s disappointing. Perhaps you might want to investigate why you instantly spring to assuming I’m malicious and evil and a terrorist?
Even though my comment was about unity and compassion?
You say shame on me for supporting violence. I don’t support violence. I empathise with the anger that leads to some animal rights activists feeling that there is no other way to be heard, but empathy doesn’t mean condoning.
You say shame on me. I could say “shame on you for supporting the violence that goes into your daily meals". But shame isn’t a motivator to change.
I would ask you to please watch the Unity documentary to get a sense of what I was actually talking about.
Or you can continue to think of me as an evil terrorist sympathiser if it assuages your cognitive dissonance. Your choice of course.