Nov 4, 2024


Yeah and it also provides your views that someone who provides male sexual porn must be gay and therefore their wife must only be a beard because apparently bisexual people don't exist?

That's not a public narrative that's your opinion.

Also given how much you rail against Republicans forgive me for thinking you identified as progressive. What do you identify with then? You're against Republicans, against libertarians, against the right wing, you are pro-gay - but "get hives" at the thought of being progressive?

Doesn't make sense.

Also regarding "identity politics" you were very quick to write articles about how Dune is racist because "white savior" (despite it being a critique of that trope) and "cultural appropriating Islam" and "Paul chooses the white rich girl over the brown girl" so it's just odd you're now so disgusted by the thought of "identity politics".




Written by Reverie

“The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds” — Cloud Atlas

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