Why would you choose someone who isn't compatible with you, just so that you can "work" your whole life trying to fit together when you just don't? When people say "relationships are work" they mean you need to communicate when things are hard, you need to build each other up, you need to focus on spending quality time together etc.
But a 3 week dating period is not a relationship. You're still in the "is this the right fit for me" phase. If you don't "fit" it's not about worth, it's about wasting your time.
I'm in sales. In sales we learn that you can't sell your product to everyone. Even if it's a great product. You need to find customers who are the right "fit". One of the criteria my company looks at for "fit" is "do they use a software we can implement with". Because our software doesn't implement with everything. If we try to sell to someone with the wrong software, no matter how "worthy" our product is, WE'RE NOT A GOOD FIT.
You see where I'm going here?