Why are you reading a book about how to write better if this is your argument? Maybe the book isn't for you then?
These kind of books are helpful for those who relate to them, but every writer has their own way of going about things and every "how to write" book will have people for whom the advice doesn't work. There will be no universal "how to write" book that won't have a section of the population who go "I can't do this because X". And that's valid.
I think no book should claim to be a one size fits all approach, but at the same time no reader should approach a "how to write" book or indeed any self help book with the idea that you HAVE to do what the book says and if you don't, you must be a failure. Stephen King isn't judging you if you don't follow his advice, he doesn't know you and doesn't know what you do with your life, and you're totally within your rights to go "nope not for me" and toss it and create "On writing with a mental illness" or something else that others with your experiences will relate to more.