Very pertinent article, and why I think all the noise right now about the need for white people to feel perpetually guilty, is actually unhelpful AF to the cause of racial equality. Because critical race theory makes white people feel:
1. Helpless to become better, because no matter how much you try not to be racist, you will always be racist, and thinking you could ever stop being racist is in fact, inherently racist, according to this theory.
2. Resentful, because if you're seen as inherently bad no matter what you do, you're going to start thinking it's unfair, and start actually feeling more and more resentful rather than compassionate.
3. Self-hating OR on the flip side, completely apathetic/disengaged from racial politics all together because they can't deal with being made to feel like a piece of shit all the time.
Accountability is a great alternative, we should all think about how we can PERSONALLY be accountable for how we treat people in our lives, whether people of different races, genders, sexual orientations, dis/abilities etc. So you then are responsible for your own actions, you feel empowered to improve yourself and help people, you're not trapped in a feeling of "damned if you do, damned if you don't".