Um... no.
Romantic love is the kind of love you feel for someone who you want to become pair bonded to.
This is like saying that no love exists because all relationships contain some form of expectation regarding future actions. In this argument to be spiritually enlightened you should just not feel attachment (relationship) with anyone. Which I'm sure you're not trying to make.
Alan Watts said the word "attachment" is misinterpreted by a lot of Westerners and the better translation is "hangup/blockage".
I can't help but think about the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender where Aang is told by a guru that he needs to give up all attachments including his love for Katara in order to access his power. And Aang refuses because he interprets this as saying "stop loving Katara". But in reality, it was more the fear of losing Katara that was holding him back, rather than the love itself. So even after he fully unlocked his Avatar powers, he was able to go back and later marry Katara and in the canon they were deeply in love and had kids.
I think the key is - not clinging too tightly to the idea that the future will be a certain way. The people in your lives may leave at any time - either by choice or from some tragic event that kills them. I see letting go of attachment, as accepting this fact. Accepting that I will lose the people I love, or they will lose me, and we can't control when this will happen. But in realising this, I am not giving up my love for them. I appreciate them in the present moment all the more fully.