This is why, even though I am a progressive, I see conservatism as an essential belief system that needs to always work in tandem with progressivism.
My father is this type of conservative. Not opposed to progress, but very cautious about it. And I respect that.
I wish more conservatives today were like this, and that we (conservatives and progressives) could work together to figure out ways to improve society in ways that are achievable. Because there always needs to be idealists, and there always needs to be pragmatists. And if we can work together in good faith for a better world, rather than seeing each other as enemies, I think we would all be much better off.
Instead ideologically self identified “liberals” and “conservatives” shout vitriol at each other, identifying too strongly with the LABEL and what they think it means (a form of tribalism) instead of realising that we can both learn from each other.