This is SO relatable. I was the recipient of my mother's litany of sorrows. She was abused by her mother, she was stalked, she was almost kidnapped, she was abused by the Church, she was exorcised, she was forced to have kids by the Church, she was discriminated against by employers because she was a mother, she was in constant physical pain because she had too many kids too quickly, her business ideas were stolen by unscrupulous investors, she believed people were trying to assassinate her...
And she would end those stories with "at least I have YOU, you will never disappoint me, you are the one thing in my life that I know will never let me down".
Which of course meant whenever I wasn't 100% perfect I felt absolutely terrible because my poor mother had already suffered so much, how dare I add to that? What kind of monster would "hurt" someone who was already suffering so much?