This is an interesting article.
I think feminism in general needs to understand that being a mother, or not being one, are both equally valid choices.
Some reasons why white feminism and WOC might have different opinions on motherhood as a group, is because of their different histories.
White feminists came from a history where white women’s main asset was their wombs and their main role was to give birth. As a result that was a form of oppression and many white women (rightly) rebelled against being defined by reproduction. The housewife stereotype where raising children was all a woman was for is another aspect of that.
While WOC have varied histories and I don’t want to generalise, many of them had histories where their children were taken away from them (i.e. Indigenous mothers) or they didn’t belong to them (Black mothers), or racist society tried to discourage them from having kids as they wanted to reduce the number of POC in the world. Therefore being able to be a mother, to be proud of motherhood, and to have communities of mothers are very empowering to them.
Of course there are people of all races who either want or don’t want kids. The fact is that the majority of women will have kids and/or want kids, so in order to make motherhood less repressive we need to not just include things that help white women have kids in corporate, but also as you say, encourage community within mothers (not just ones where they attack each other as many white mother online spaces do) and furthermore encourage FATHERS to be equal parents, sharing the difficulty of raising young children as much as mothers do. Ie through normalising stay at home dads, giving paid parental leave not just maternity leave etc.