This idea that Lana Del Rey is "dangerous" to listen to for young girls is so patronising. She expresses emotions that women feel, and often they're messy and sometimes masochistic, and if the next generation of women feel that way it's not because she taught them that, it's because they already were going to feel that way and she just gave them words and a song to express it. I've absolutely felt as desperately in love as she sings, and it wasn't that she made me feel that, I felt that way already, that's how many women feel when they're in love, and for that matter men. It's universal. People who scoff probably haven't experienced that feeling yet.
Something also that I don't hear enough about Lana Del Rey is that her music is BEAUTIFUL. It's not just "catchy", it's ethereal, it makes me feel emotions, it's evocative. And that is valuable in and of itself. But "beauty" seems to be something that it's not OK to admit you like in music.
If people think that Lana is problematic and Nicki Minaj is not, that's a double standard. Of course you can criticise her, and you can criticise anyone, but the disproportionate criticism levelled at her is so cheap and transparent.
Meanwhile I'll be over here listening to Lust for Life and feeling how much it speaks to me on a soul level.
There is no one way to be a woman, no one way to be a feminist. It's OK to love men, to be attracted to men, to be feminine, to have complicated feelings, to be submissive, to want to surrender to live, to be melancholy etc. That doesn't have to not make you feminist.