This article kind of sounds like an excuse for anyone in an abusive relationship to stick it out, because all your fantasies about being destined to be together forever, are always real, and you should never see any behaviour as a red flag or a sign of potential abuse, in fact any "toxic" behaviour is actually a SIGN from the universe that you're twin flames and destined to be together.
I have no idea whether that was or was not true for your "twin", but I'm talking in general. I know people in relationships like this, and it IS abusive. I have a (sadly-ex) friend who has this kind of relationship with her boyfriend, and she feels the same mystical connection, and yet this boyfriend:
- encourages her to cut herself
- makes her choose between him and her children and punishes her for any time she spends with her kids
- cuts her off from her friends (reason why she's my ex-friend)
- says the most awful shit to her knowing how badly it hurts her
- is self aware about the fact he is abusive and says he will change, but doesn't change
But she stays because she feels that they are meant to be together, and she has had "visions" of a child they're going to have together, and because during sex it's incredibly emotionally intimate.
You know what she would think seeing this article?
"I knew it! If I just stick it out for longer, he will eventually become better. All this extreme pain I'm feeling - this is a sign that I'm learning and growing and facing my trauma. No it's not a sign that I'm being triggered and repeatedly wounded by this man, it's a sign I'm learning more about the universe. I need this!"