This article confuses me a bit. The adoption agency told you that 95% of people don't adopt kids that are a different race to them, and you said you were open to any race of child, so your daughter who you adopted probably got adopted sooner with you, than she would have if you'd demanded a mixed race child of the exact same heritage as you, and this is bad because???? Like it seems you're racist if you don't adopt a child of a different race, but if you do, that's also white privilege and thus racist? Let go of the guilt and just parent your child and realise no one is perfect and you're as woke as pretty much any father could be, yes you're affected by "privilege" but in other ways you're not, so don't worry so much.
I couldn't get a clear message from this article. It's like "feel guilty but don't feel guilty but actually feel guilty". "Your attempt to not be racist is actually racist but we're all racist and I try not to be racist but I'm racist anyway and trying to unlearn it but I'll never really unlearn it".