The word "bypassing" seems to be a buzzword that is thrown around in spiritual circles lately. It's often used to label "any spiritual idea or practice that leads one to feel better about their life or circumstances without a change in material conditions in their life or circumstances". And I have a problem with this, because nonduality was a profoundly lifechanging realisation for me, that has led to major mental health improvements in my life (including the recovery of my eating disorder). But I know that many people would claim I was "spiritually bypassing", if I was to say "nonduality helped me personally to recover from my eating disorder", even though that's TRUE for me. And I also know that people would say this about spirituality as a means of transcending the fear of death, the fear of suffering, and using it as a way to cope with things like climate anxiety or nuclear anxiety. But this is not spiritual bypassing. It can be absolutely real. And it's actually a form of invalidation to tell someone that what they have done which has helped them personally, is not valid and is in fact "bypassing".
Of course you shouldn't go and just spout maxims at someone else and expect that to cure them.
But the quest to understand the nature of consciousness and reality is not bypassing just because it leads to positive life experiences.