That’s not true either.
If women are ON AVERAGE biologically different from men, and that at a certain point in history these biological average differences led to patterns over thousands of years in people’s behaviour that evolved into the complexities of today’s patriarchy, that’s not to say those things can never change.
The fact men thousands of years ago made up post hoc rationalisations for why men and women had ON AVERAGE different roles in society, and different levels of power — and engrained these into myths and then laws and customs, which then in turn REINFORCED the division between men and women in more extreme and unnatural ways - doesn’t mean those post hoc rationalisations are true or cannot be changed.
Women on average have different biology to men. There are outliers, such as intersex and trans people. And I do include them in womanhood if they want that. But I’m talking about large population patterns. Which means the average or the median is what matters IN THIS DICUSSION (not saying others don’t matter as people), not the statistical outliers.
This average difference in biology means that on average women will face issues men do not face — menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause. It also means on average women are physically weaker and smaller than on average men are. It ALSO means that on average women may naturally prefer certain activities and jobs to the average man. These natural differences are not inherently BAD — what is bad is when society values women as less because of their differences and tries to hold back women who don’t want to conform to the “average”. Or try to define or limit INDIVIDUAL women with their unique minds and bodies by the standard of the “average”. So just because most women are fertile doesn’t mean an infertile woman isn’t a woman. But that doesn’t mean the AVERAGE female biology isn’t a certain way. Because it is. And when looking at patterns of behaviour across billions of people across thousands of years of history we can use the average to pick out broad patterns. One of those patterns being patriarchy.
So yeah we can 100% challenge the idea that biology makes women inferior to men, without claiming that biology has no affect on patriarchy. Just because patriarchy doesn’t like something doesn’t make our only options “deny thing they don’t like exists or capitulate to their disdain”.