That comment of mine that you quoted was not telling you "you're awful and should quit and you're a terrible person for having issues" the way you implied (especially by only taking a small part of the comment to quote).
I never once told you that you should quit. I was talking about the way you often write about yourself (in a self-deprecating "I'm an awful fuckup" kind of way) as well as your multiple articles about how you're declining in viewers and how you don't feel any of it is under your control (and I was talking about how many of your recent articles have made me want to not read them because of the topic and suggesting there might be a connection between the two).
I understand you don't agree with all (or any) of what I said but I feel it's unfair to represent it as having been me "hating" on you when it wasn't. Likewise it wasn't "telling you that you should quit".
You also seem to ignore all the times in the comment I mentioned how your feelings are valid and you can write as much about them as you like?