Thank you so much!!
I actually did write two articles on this kind of vein:
Unconditional Self Love -
"But what even is self-love?
When I first tried to feel it, I tried to look inside myself for someone to feel towards the way I feel towards my soulmate, or how I feel towards my best friend. And I kept coming up blank, like I was grasping at a void.
The reason for this is because I was looking inside myself, expecting to see a separate person in there to love, but there isn’t someone separate in me, except for constructs and aspects that I’ve created to engage with my own psyche. It’s like trying to look into your own face, without a mirror. You can’t do it."
Thinking About Myself in the Third Person -
"My names, birth-given or self-chosen. My reflection, in mirrors and windows. My selfies. Candid photographs and videos. My shadow, wavering before me. The reactions of people who encounter and interact with me. Their words about me.
All of this, building up a character that exists in my mind. It has a name, pronouns. It has a face (a composite of my reflections and photos), a body, and a fashion style. It has a list of accomplishments, a resume — a social media presence.
I had thought this was me. I thought that if I could control this character, if I could perfect her in the eyes of others, I would be happy. And so I would constantly be struggling with the discrepancy of my first person experience of life, and the way I believed people perceived this image. Trying to fix a first person experience, by thinking about myself in third person."