So you don’t enjoy the whole experience of sex? The 5 seconds at the end is what makes it worthwhile or crap for you?
See when I masturbate, I orgasm with the clitoris.
When I have penetrative sex the pleasure I feel isn’t in the clitoris but deep in my lower belly, like pulsing waves through my pelvis. It’s a different part of the body. I’ve had sex like that where I literally screamed in pleasure (I’ve never screamed in pleasure with a clitoral orgasm). In many ways the pleasure from sex that way is more enjoyable, more full bodied, and lasts longer than a clitoral orgasm.
Does it “count" as an orgasm? I don’t know because it doesn’t feel like my other orgasms and it doesn’t have a recognisable “peak" that subsides, it gets better and better until I’m screaming with pleasure but it could really go as long as I’m in that flow state and being fucked hard.
Not all penetrative sex is that amazing but when it is, I’d rank it above any of the times I’ve orgasmed via masturbation.