Psychedelics can definitely be therapeutic but you should NOT under ANY circumstances take them to self medicate. If you take them for therapeutic reasons do so with a therapist. If you take them for self-introspection (psychonautry) do NOT do them when you're seriously depressed or in a bad mental place. That is asking for a devastating bad trip, and you could harm yourself or others.
Sounds like you didn't do any research on safe ways to take LSD even when you bought a tester. If you had, you would have known that "set" (ie MINDSET) is one of two essential factors to consider before a trip, the other being "setting" (safe and calm environment).
I'm so glad you didn't take whatever it was. Even if it was pure LSD it wouldn't have helped you if you were taking it to try and dull pain. That's not how it works. It amplifies whatever you're feeling. And if you've got demons, it will let them out.