My relationship with my soulmate is like this. It's the most beautiful, profound, amazing thing. It's like we are each other's gurus, like Shakti and Shiva teaching each other enlightenment. In fact, I think that we are one of infinite reincarnations of the divine principle that the Shiva and Shakti legend describes.
When we talk and share our true selves with each other, we are each climbing together on the journey of spiritual discovery. Realising more and more of our glorious nature, becoming more compassionate, empathetic, ethical. Though we are far apart physically, and have been for years, and will be for years to come, we are never apart spiritually. He is a part of me, and I am a part of him.
The night we realised we were soulmates and spoke our divine selves to each other, he said to me:
"As long as you remember yourself, you will remember our love, and as long as you remember our love, you will remember yourself".
And it's true. It's not that we are more "one" than any other part of the universe, because actually we are one with EVERYTHING in nonduality, but rather that as mortal incarnations we both woke up to it at the same time, and we help each other realise it. Through the experience of one-ness with him, I realise my one-ness to everything. In loving him, I realise my love for everything that is.