My partner doesn't like wearing a condom. Since I know condoms are pretty bad at preventing pregnancy anyway, I got Implanon, and we both got tested for STDs and we don't need a condom. Like, I get that some women want men to always wear condoms, and that's a valid request. But it's also a valid request for the man to not want to wear one. And in that case don't have sex? It's not inherently selfish, sexist or ignorant to not want to wear a condom. It's a preference. And let's not pretend the only way to have safe sex is with a condom. You can have safe sex in other ways.
Again, no one should pressure you to have sex without a condom!! I'm not saying that! It's completely valid to have a boundary that is "no sex with me without a condom".
But it's also COMPLETELY valid for the penis haver to say "ok I don't have sex with condoms, let's not have sex then".
And if that happens THEY'RE NOT BAD FOR SAYING THAT.