Mate, 1917 does not “glorify” war. It is a tale of a heroic person IN a war, sure. But never have I seen the horrors of WWI more emphatically portrayed in film than in this movie.
You feel everything the characters feel. All the horror, pain, suffering, grief. The way it’s shot engenders an extreme empathy.
And then they look back at the fields they “won” and say — “all this for that?” Was it worth it? Was any of it worth it?
And the audience thinks, no. WWI was a colossal waste in all ways.
1917 is a story of an idealistic and a cynical man trying to save the lives of people about to die because of incompetent leadership. It is a story of rotten corpses, shellshock, barbed wire, the death of innocence, numbness, terror, grief, friendship, and a grim determination to survive.
If anyone comes away from it thinking “wow war is badass” then they have SERIOUSLY missed the entire point of the film.
I suggest you see it. I think you would actually like it. Because it’s not what you claim it is at ALL.