It's not mythical. I've had orgasms where the womb clenches by itself purely from mental arousal without anything being touched. The pleasure is almost 30cm away from the clitoris meaning it can't be the clitoris doing it. I've tried masturbating the clitoris at the same time and it doesn't actually add to it, it distracts from the womb clench orgasm.
The womb clench kind of pleasure is the same kind of pleasure I get when being penetrated. It's not the G-spot which is part of the clitoris. It's much deeper. Women talk about the "A-spot" and the "cervical orgasm" and I think that's what they mean.
I'm very familiar with clitoral orgasms but they are amazing, but the pleasure is different. I know when something is a clitoral orgasm. The clitoris wouldn't orgasm without the glans feeling anything. But I've had wombgasms that don't affect the clitoris at all. Just because you haven't experienced something doesn't make it a myth. If you look online there are endless posts by women describing similar experiences. Are they all brainwashed by the patriarchy? Of course not. Yeah it's "anecdotal evidence" but it's about qualia, so of course it is.