It's a complex issue. Eugenics is now seen as a completely evil and negative concept. But the idea of attempting to make successive generations "better" than the ones before is not a bad idea.
Spiritual "eugenics" is not eugenics. If you can become a better person without modifying your genetics (through meditation for example), that's not eugenics.
But in terms of actual genetic modification - I actually think some forms of eugenics are morally good. If you can say, modify a fetus with Huntington's disease, or ALS or early-onset Alzheimer's - and make them so that they won't suffer progressive degenerative and incurable disease - that is a GOOD THING in my eyes.
Of course eugenics can and has gone too far in the past, and could do so in the future. I don't think you should "design" a baby to look a certain way, for example. I also don't want a Gattaca type world where people who aren't genetically modified are discriminated against. But I do think if a fetus has a lifethreatening or life-destroying genetic condition that will cause them major suffering, if you can prevent that suffering then you should. In fact I think it's immoral not to.