It sounds like you're judging yourself, and also judging other people. Like you see HPV as a punishment that only "bad girls" "deserve" to have, and you didn't "deserve" it, so you're the real "victim" and anyone else who "asked for their trauma with their bad behaviours" is undeservedly trying to claim the label that only "good girls like you" deserve.
Maybe reframing it as an unfortunate outcome of something that you were right to want to do (and other people are right to want to do) could make you feel better?
There's nothing wrong with wanting to have sex. There's nothing immoral or "bad" about it. Having fun isn't bad either. Liking pleasure isn't bad. None of those things make it less unfortunate that you got HPV. Whether you define yourself as a "good girl" or not. You don't need to gatekeep who gets to have trauma, to yourself, or anyone else.
It's OK to have wanted to have sex. And to have had sex. It's ok to want to have sex again.
It's OK to feel bad that you got HPV. It's OK to feel frustrated that after spending your life avoiding risk, you ended up in the same boat as people who took more risks and had more fun.
Sending good wishes for you to heal! The incidence of cervical cancer is pretty low, and it can be caught early even if it did lead to precancerous cells.