It seems as though you feel people who say that spiritual awakening doesn’t have to be painful are somehow insulting you. When they’re not talking about you and could very well be speaking “authentically" from their own experiences.
I tend to agree with Alan Watts who said that awakening will happen when you believe it can happen. Subconsciously believe. So if you believe that you can only awaken after a long struggle with lots of pain and work, then that’s what you need to awaken. That’s valid.
Other people may have a sudden awakening sparked by something else and to then the dissolution of their false beliefs will be a relief, or hilarious not painful.
Neither journey is denigrating or invalidating the other.
Spiritual awakenings can be painful, and it’s good for people for whom that is true, to know that this is a valid part of their journey.
At the same time, denigrating people for whom spiritual awakening was NOT painful as “lying" and gatekeeping enlightenment to those who suffered according to your standard — well that’s not helpful either.
I don’t need you to validate my journey.