Is there an age limit on being an abuse victim?
As for being a famous Christian teacher - you've written many articles about famous Evangelicals who have depicted loved ones as differently from how they may have been in real life, in order to protect them.
I don't think this is an Alice Sebold situation, as the accused in question is dead and can't be prosecuted. Nor did he seem to suffer in any way from anything Beth said about sexual abuse before he died. Now that he has died, all that's at stake is his reputation. Which is important to his family, I'm sure, but why would it be important to random people like you or I when we don't know the guy and his reputation means nothing to us either way? And an alive person is apparently experiencing trauma and needing to work through it?
I'm not going to be buying her memoir but I think trying to cast doubt on her is by extension casting doubt on other people who have sexual abuse in their past and possibly making people who didn't have "two witnesses" or a less than perfect recall of their abuse feel that they can never talk about what happened to them, even if their abuser is dead.