I'm SO happy for you that you are loving yourself so much. You deserve it. You are in charge of your own happiness. Whatever happens, I believe this self love will absolutely hold you in good stead.
I am moving to the US very soon, and I am excited, but also was feeling some nervousness.
Now however, I feel completely confident. Because I realised that all the beautiful experiences that I've had in my life so far, have been because I sought them out. I approach life with an attitude of finding the beautiful, the wondrous and the profound. And I DO find it. And I will continue to find that, no matter where I am. Because the common denominator in those beautiful experiences has been me, the one looking.
Why do I bring this up? Because I think you will experience the same thing. You HAVE experienced it many times. It's like when you wrote about feeling like a goddess during your cycle. You will feel that again. And you feel that wondrous aliveness and love again. Because aliveness and love IS WHO YOU ARE.