I'm not saying that strong lifelong bonds between males "must be sexual/romantic".
Strong lifelong bonds between two people *that include nonplatonic physical intimacy such as passionate hand kissing and face cradling, and are shown to be stronger than the bonds they have with anyone else*, are considered romantic regardless of the gender of the people involved.
Two women chilling away their lives - maybe lesbian or maybe good friends? At least you consider that they "may be lesbian" but in the case of two men the consideration that they "may be gay" is "disgusting" to you.
Two women chilling away eternity together *rather than one of them chilling with their husband* would also be seen as romantic.
You seem extremely invested in vilifying readings of LOTR that are different to your own. You can have your own reading mate, I'm not stopping you. But don't you dare claim I'm somehow immoral and "disgusting" for thinking two male characters who express physical intimacy that is far beyond the norm for physical intimacy between platonic friends of any gender in Western society, and who then decide to spend eternity together rather than Sam choosing to spend eternity with his WIFE (something Tolkien showed as the pinnacle of heterosexual love, choosing to give up immortality to die with one's mortal lover, see Beren and Luthien and Aragorn and Arwen). If Sam died to be with Rosie that would have been in the grand tradition of heterosexual love in Tolkien's work. But he didn't. He deliberately turned away from that choice, to live with Frodo in the undying lands.
And they are "just ordinary friends".
OK bro. Keep your reading. But my reading is equally valid and your attempts to shame me for it won't work. I don't go looking for gay readings in everything I read. I've seen people slash ship people for ridiculous reasons. For example some people ship Aragorn and Legolas just because the two actors in the movies are hot. That's "wanting it to be gay" with no foundation.
Frodo and Sam are a different story. And if you don't think so, you're entitled to your opinion, and I don't think you're "disgusting" for thinking differently either.