I'm not American though :)
And in my life I do my best to not create in and out-groups based on skin colour etc. I try to treat everyone as an individual and I want to myself be treated as an individual and not as a representative of either a "better than" or "worse than" group.
I don't want to be seen as "white" by racist people who think being "white" makes you better than anyone else. Because I don't want to be a part of their system. However apparently many people of colour (and I'm not talking just Black people) themselves also see ME as first and foremost "white" and therefore as some kind of oppressor/enemy.
This by the way is only online, all the people I know in real life don't really care about this. My workplace, my old school, my university - the "melanin deficient" were in the minority and I have never felt like an outsider for that.
My point was though that the OP was saying "anyone who identifies as white is beyond redemption" while simultaneously making it impossible for those of us who are defined by OTHERS as white to claim anything else.
If you call yourself white you're an evil oppressor.
If you are seen by POC as white and DON'T want to be defined as white, that's also somehow a sign of horrible white privilege and even worse.