I'm happy for you Emily but I would caution you - be careful. If someone you literally just met, is telling you things like "I knew you in a past life" it *can* (not always but it can) be a red flag.
I have had synchronicities with my soulmate too, but I've also had synchronicities with people who are not good for me and were actually emotionally abusive.
For example, there was a woman I was in a relationship with, who I felt a very strong connection with, who told me she wanted to be my best friend and my lover very shortly after meeting me, and I would wake up a few seconds before receiving a message from her. And I was in crazy limerence. But her "push pull" attitude to the relationship caused me a GREAT deal of pain.
Yes I did use this experience as a catalyst for personal growth and I am a stronger more emotionally adjusted person today than I was before, but that wasn't a sign that her actions were healthy or "good".
Interestingly, this same woman met someone who she felt was her "twin flame" and had the whole "past lives" sense and shared visions the very day they met. And it was the most intense thing she'd ever felt and she felt she was destined to be with him. But he is an abusive, controlling, scary man. He is not helping her to grow and become her best self. Quite the opposite. Her life becomes more limited, more anxious, isolated.
The problem I see with "twin flames" as a concept is that it all too often romanticises suffering in relationships. If your "twin flame" avoids you - well that's just the "chase". If your twin flame causes you extreme mental anguish worse than you've ever felt before, in this mentality it's not a sign of abuse and that you should get out, it becomes a sign that it IS your twin flame and you should hold on even more.
This man may be your twin, or he may not. I hope he is for your sake. But even if he is your twin, please don't ignore the fact that you will have to have all the same elements of a healthy relationship you would have had with someone else. Boundaries are still important. Communication is still important. Abuse is never OK. And true love in the long term is not endless wild swings of euphoria and anguish, but feels like home, freedom to be your best self, and the knowledge that you are safe with this person.
I am sorry if this is a bit of a downer comment, I am not trying to rain on your parade, I hope that you have in fact found true love. I just have seen people enter relationships thinking it's a "twin" and in fact it ends up being abusive, so just be careful.