I’m a little confused. I think I’m demisexual — because I can barely imagine wanting to have sex with someone when I first meet them. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t recognise when someone is attractive or not when I first meet them. It just means I don’t actively lust for them immediately. There may be a “spark” or chemistry, but that needs time to develop, and anything personality related that doesn’t jive with me will make the person super unattractive.
Also, I can meet someone and think “eh, not my type” but get to know them and suddenly “hot damn you are so much my type”.
Personality traits are more attractive than someone’s physical appearance. However I’m not blind. I’m an artist. I know when someone’s beautiful or not.
So what am I? Just “normal” but prudish? But I am SUPER sexual while in a relationship, and when not, I still have a high libido it’s just not directed towards anyone. Am I demisexual? Idk?