I'd be curious to see what feminists say that being brave is a bad thing. Likewise that resilience is toxic. I think it's more that feminists say that these values often are taken to extremes and become unhealthy.
Bravery can become foolhardiness if taken to extremes.
Resilience can become denial, compartmentalisation and dissociation if taken to extremes.
Stoicism can become an inability to feel or express any emotions.
Self reliance can become isolation.
As for traditionally "feminine" emotions.
Vulnerability can become weakness or covert narcissism if taken to extremes.
Helping/being helped can become codependency if taken to extremes.
Sensitivity to pain can become a victim complex if taken to extremes.
Uninhibition can become histrionic or borderline.
Nurturing can become controlling.
Every virtue becomes a vice if taken to extremes.