I wrote an article about abortion too, that you might be interested in. Basically I agree with you that a fetus is alive. However I see the issue of abortion as more a question of organ donation. And This is something that's rarely mentioned.
Pregnancy is organ donation. You can't force anyone to donate an organ without their consent. Even if it would save a baby's life. Even if you could take someone's kidney, and give it to someone else temporarily, and return it to the original body later. You can't even do that for dead bodies. Why should women's bodies be different?
Refusing to donate your organ to support someone's life is not murder. Saying you'll donate an organ, and then changing your mind, is not murder. If you changed your mind about organ donation and the organ was already out of your body and in the body of the other person that would be a different story. But the uterus never leaves the woman's body. It's always her organ. She can change her mind about donating her organ any time.
I do think though that if a fetus is viable and can be born alive, it should always be born alive, even if premature. But late stage abortions are usually based on deadly genetic conditions that would mean the fetus cannot survive.