I would guess that actually the majority of child sex offenders are not pedophiles. Or rather not exclusively attracted to children per se. Rather they are mostly opportunistic, either preying on teens due to the fact they are easier to manipulate into a sexual relationship than an adult, or abusing children because they are weaker and can't fight back and can be groomed into thinking it's their fault.
That would make sense why such a large percentage of child abusers are in institutions like the Catholic Church or celebrity settings like Hollywood and the music industry. It's more about an abuse of power than it is about specifically having the paraphilia of pedophilia.
I feel some sympathy for non-offending pedophiles who can't control their thoughts. Because I have a sadistic kink that I don't act on and I tried for many years to erase it from my mind and it doesn't work.
But I feel zero sympathy for opportunistic child sexual abusers.