I would be considered one of these "annoying bisexuals" because I have only had physical sex with one person (a nonbinary AMAB person). But that's because I was raised in a very sex negative household that was also insanely homophobic. I didn't even know bisexuality was a "thing" until I was mid teens, and I thought you had to feel equal levels of attraction to women to be qualified to call yourself bisexual. I was 22 when I found out about the Kinsey scale and it suddenly made me realise all the times as a teenager I fantasised about being Han Solo and touching Princess Leia, or being the Phantom and touching Diana - was an example of my bisexuality asserting itself in a time I didn't know women could like other women.
Like I've had fantasies where I was a woman touching a man, for my male crushes. But a lot of fantasies I had back then was of being the male character touching the female love interest. I remember being 13 and fantasising about being Han Solo heroically wounded and resting my head on Leia's bare stomach while she caressed me. Back then I didn't even know lesbians existed so I had no real visual language to express homosexual feelings, as a result my fantasies usually involved me being "the man". Complicated by the fact I also found Han Solo attractive as well (bi panic lol).
I've also wondered if all the times I fantasised about being a man could mean that I was experiencing gender envy. But given I feel very comfortable as a woman right now I think it's likely more the bisexual reason.
I was disowned by my mother for being bisexual and having a high libido. But I also am demisexual so I don't feel comfortable having sex with people unless I have a specific type of emotional closeness with them. And because of my mother's abuse, I historically haven't found it as easy to bond with women in that way.
I had an online relationship with a woman during COVID. But I haven't physically had sex with a woman - yet.
Rosenfield would hate me. But I have experienced the same ostracism and homophobia as if I had had sex with a woman. My experience with being disowned and emotionally abused is the same as many other queer people!!!