I think you have a kind of skewed perception of what porn is these days. It’s not just “an industry" with institutional power that “commodifies women", it’s also an amateur industry full of people making loving, real, authentic videos about what actual sex and desire is. Which you’d maybe know if you spent actual time on Pornhub rather than merely “researching" it.
Not all porn is violent and degrading and yet somehow this is what all radical feminists seem to think, likewise they seem to think men are the only people that watch porn.
I agree there are some bad elements in the porn industry that are exploitative, but don’t tar the concept of erotic material with “if you like to masturbate to erotic material there’s something wrong with you, you filthy disgusting misogynist" because that’s not true and there is a LOT of ethical, loving porn out there, and I think instead of a blanket “porn bad" argument that doesn’t stop people watching porn but instead makes them feel their sexuality makes then morally wrong, we should ENCOURAGE the ethical porn creators as much as possible.