I personally love your vegan articles the most! You're a lovely person. I feel like we would be friends if we knew each other in real life.
Yes the commercialisation of identity is a bit of a problem. The articles that go viral on Medium these days seem to be:
- articles about racism especially clickbait titles designed to trigger either anger/defensiveness or guilt in white readers
- articles about transgender issues/transphobia
- articles about leftwing politics and how America is doomed and how people on the right are all evil Nazis who hate you
- articles that prey on relationship insecurity like "ten red flags that prove he's a narcissist"
- people who think the fastest way to get clicks is to copy Tim Denning
- "how I made money on Medium"
Just write your truth and the people who see it, they might not be as numerous but they will resonate more deeply. <3