I love your articles Devon but I think the reason women tend to be less direct when rejecting (men) is that they are afraid of the consequences of rejecting men and them taking it badly. It's why they "massage egos", pretend to give a number etc. It's because they're afraid of being met with aggression and violence.
I feel unafraid to say no to most men, in a direct way. But that's because I'm in the top 2% in height for women, I am not at a major physical disadvantage. But imagine a small woman saying no to a big gym bro. It's not as easy.
Men are able to be direct with other men, because they're seeing each other on a relatively equal playing field. Yes there are differences in size, strength etc.
But a woman saying no to a man is different from a man saying no to another man.
It's not "toxic" it's a defensive mechanism. Being able to say no honestly is something I wish everyone felt safe doing. But the reason many don't feel safe saying no is not their fault, and doesn't make them toxic for feeling unsafe.