I did read the article. The message was all over the place and seemingly contradictory. There's a message about checking your privilege, there's a message about being a good dad to your black child, there's a message about what it's like growing up mixed race, there's a message about how even though you try not to be racist your child who is black will end up experiencing different struggles to you. All valid messages.
But there's also a message I'm getting of "I thought I was being a good person by adopting a child of a different race to me but maybe I was just being selfish and that was my white privilege talking". And a message of "I try to help my child navigate racism and be proud of herself and her heritage but I also am intrinsically privileged and racist to the core so I will never fully be able to succeed". And "I do my best to shield my child from the racism of the world but I can't, and maybe thinking I ever could is racist". And "I try to help my child with things like box braids but because I am not a black person myself I am constantly reminded of how far I fall short and will always fall short".
That's what I mean about confusion.