He didn't deny that it happened. He said that he didn't have memory of the day itself and the accident itself, due to the trauma of his injuries. This article explains it in more detail.
"Although actor Matthew Broderick was behind the wheel when his rental car instantly killed two women, the Election star can't recall the details of the tragic day. "I don't remember the day," Broderick said (via the New York Post). "I don't remember even getting up in the morning. I don't remember making my bed. What I first remember is waking up in the hospital, with a very strange feeling going on in my leg." After the collision, Broderick "spent four weeks in a Belfast hospital with a fractured leg and ribs, collapsed lung and concussion."
According to the Post, Broderick was first charged with "causing death by dangerous driving and faced up to five years behind bars." However, the charges were ultimately downgraded to careless driving — for which he was fined only $175 — as he wasn't under the influence. The victims' family called the charges "a travesty of justice," but Martin Doherty, brother and son of the women who died, eventually forgave the actor. "He didn't kill my mother and sister deliberately," he said.
Broderick, on the other hand, had a much more difficult time forgiving himself."It was extremely difficult coming to grips with what happened, but in time I felt better about that terrible experience," he told Best magazine (via the New York Post). "Therapy helped." "