Except no one knows whether it's not as terrible as it seems unless you communicate that to them. In the case of mental health, isn't it better to err on the side of caring too much?
For example I have a friend who regularly messages my group chat with extreme expressions of her depression, anxiety, self hate and suicidal ideation. Whenever she does I take it seriously and try and cheer her up and reassure her. The other day she told me that frequently when she posts these things she is actually being hyperbolic and often doesn't feel as bad as she is making out. Except she let me and her other friend feel the anxiety that she was in danger, and we worried about her and poured emotional labour into cheering her up, and she never told us "actually this isn't necessary" until AFTER we'd been doing this for weeks.
So yeah, don't shame people for wanting to help people who are suffering from mental health. Yes you should be able to express yourself freely but consider how people can't mindread you unless you make it clear what's "artistic expression" and "hyperbole for coping means" and what is actually a cry for help.