Dude, I'm a woman, I'm attractive and I've never gotten that.
Dating apps are not real life. But even with dating apps, when I used them most messages I would get are like "wanna fuck" or "sup" or some kind of generic pickup line that is clearly mass-spammed to every single woman that person encountered. It's not "being approached by a suitor". It's not an offer for anything that I could possibly want. Why would I want a random fuck from someone who I've never met and who didn't put any effort into getting to know me? Those "offers" are the romantic equivalent of spam.
If you're looking for someone actually compatible and safe, even for a casual relationship, it will take more than cheesy pickup lines that are spammed to thousands of accounts per day, random dick pics or instant sexual solicitation with no attempt at seduction.
The other point I made is about how most men don't want a long term relationship with a single mother. So a casual fuck with someone with a MILF fetish is not going to cut it for someone who is recently divorced and feeling sad about losing their partner of 25 years.
Randos on Tinder who send the same message to hundreds of women a day in the hopes of "hitting and quitting" are not "suitors".