Be glad you never had an actual bad trip. My partner had a bad trip where he became completely psychotic and killed someone while in the grips of a delusion that they were trying to kill him. This was magic mushrooms not LSD.
This kind of bad trip is very rare but some bad trips are just wholly bad and have no redeeming qualities. Like that one.
They're more likely to happen if you have existing mental illnesses like psychosis, PTSD etc.
Now I'm not anti-psychedelics. I wrote in my article "Thinking about the self in third person" about how a mystical experience on LSD changed my life and cured my eating disorder. I also wrote about a beautiful experience I had with my partner on acid in "Sexual Self Transcendence".
I'm glad you never had a truly bad trip on LSD. Neither have I.
But bad trips are real, albeit rare, and it's important to know this to stay safe.