As a woman who probably will watch “Little Women” eventually, I think it’s ridiculous to imply that men aren’t seeing it because they’re sexist. Fewer women went to see the Joker movie and feminists (many of whom didn’t watch it) called it an “incel movie that glorifies white male violence” even though it was nothing to do with incels and didn’t glorify violence. I saw the Joker movie and it was my favourite movie of 2019. I also have watched almost every Marvel movie, and science fiction is my favourite genre of both book and film. Wow, I must be a man. But I’m not. I’m just an individual with my own preferences. Just like men are.
If people want more men to see Little Women they should just be like “this movie is great because it has great characters, is interesting etc” and encourage girls to take their boyfriends to see it or something. Not say “you aren’t watching Little Women because you are a sexist”.
And I found it interesting that supposedly men are sexist film viewers when 1. Wonder Woman had slightly higher proportion of men watching than women 2. Several top blockbusters had female leads 3. Even female led movies like Atomic Blonde were probably watched by more men than women
Men typically like more action focused movies, women typically like more character driven/drama type movies. I personally like a mix of all kinds.
“Woke” movies miss the point of what makes a good story. Look at some of the most acclaimed action movies of all time — Mad Max Fury Road, Aliens, Terminator 2 etc — they had female leads. Men loved those movies. Because the STORY WAS GOOD and the film was made well. That’s the key. Not shoehorning representation in as if that’s the only thing that makes a movie good.